Saturday, February 20, 2010

5 to go

Got in 2 more sit n gos yesterday and played a matrix tonight. The matrix was actually alot of fun and I did well (1st, 1st, 3rd, and 6th for 1st overall, 3.06 total cash) Played about 30 hands cash the other day too and was up a good bit there, about 2 or 3 bucks I think.

I sharkscoped myself since I've been doing the SNG thing, and I was a little disappointed. My Full Tilt was really bad. But I looked at my graph and most of that is the early stuff from when I first started playing real money. Here lately my graph for Full Tilt SNGs is on a sharp upward slope. My skill rating was much better on stars, 77 if you care, but I need to opt in to be able to see the full picture of my numbers over there. It should be better though because that's where Ive done the majority of my play for the past 6 or 8 months, which is about when I started not completely sucking and started actually winning at lower bi tournaments and SNGs. Maybe they're jut softer over there? Maybe I just need to play on PokerStars? Worth considering anyway, we'll see.

I played the matrix because while I was on shark scope I took a look at the tournament finder and it said the $1 and $10 matrix tourneys were the fishiest. I guess they were right, or I'm just that awesome. Probably the former I would guess. I'll probably try to squeeze in some more of these in any case. Once Ive got the bankroll situation straight the $10 ones should be serious money makers if they're that fishy.

Weaning myself off the vicodin now since I've passed the kidney stone. I'm glad to have the stone gone but I sure will miss that wonderful fuzzy feeling. And there's no more snowboarding on the Olympics. So I should be finished with SNGs and back to the cash grind shortly. I'll post all the SNG results and bankroll numbers then.

Also, can anyone tell me why the hell I have to wade through ice dancing to get to the events I actually want to see? There are 9000 fuckin channels for Gods sake, can't we figure something out here? Short track is still awesome though, like NASCAR with blades and no rednecks, sweeeet.

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